Maintaining a Vibrant Garden All-Year-Round

Imagine a garden full of fresh produce all year round - a Backyard Farmer Greenhouse can make it happen.
Greenhouses are spaces that extend the growing season, providing the perfect environment for plants to thrive, no matter the weather outside.
Can you grow in a greenhouse all year? Absolutely! With the right setup, your harvest game stays strong through every season.
Let's talk about what makes them such a great option.
Temperature Control
Greenhouses allow you to control the temperature. You can use fans, heaters, and shade-makers to create the perfect environment for your plants. Warm in winter, cool in summer – grow whatever, whenever.
Extended Growing Season
Greenhouses protect your plants from frost, wind, and other not-so-great weather, giving them more time to grow. Start seeds early and keep them going through autumn and even winter.
Harvests All Year
In a greenhouse, you can grow different crops – leafy greens, herbs, veggies, and even some fruits. By planting them at different times through out the year, you'll have a continuous supply of fresh produce.
One of the benefits of a greenhouse is that they create a physical barrier between pests and diseases. This minimises the risk of infestations or infections, keeping your plants healthy!
Year-round growing in a greenhouse takes time and effort but with some planning it's absolutely doable and allows you to enjoy fresh product no matter the season.
Head to your local Bunnings or Mitre 10 to grab a Backyard Farmer greenhouse, and begin your home growing journey.
Happy growing!