Growing Guide

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Artichokes are perennial vegetables known for their large, edible flower buds. Varieties include Green Globe and Purple Romanesco.

Growing Tips

  • Artichokes prefer well-drained, fertile soil and need regular watering.
  • Plant in a sunny spot.
  • Space plants about 3 to 4 feet apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 22-28 weeks
Seedling: 20-24 weeks



Asparagus is a perennial vegetable that can produce for many years. There are green, purple, and white varieties, each with distinct flavours.

Growing Tips

  • Asparagus requires well-drained soil and prefers a sunny location.
  • Plant crowns about 12-18 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: Not typically grown from seed; crowns are used and take 2-3 years to establish.
Seedling: 2-3 years



Basil is a fragrant, versatile herb popular in many cuisines, especially Italian. There are several varieties, including sweet basil and Thai basil.

Growing Tips

  • Basil thrives in warm conditions and needs well-drained soil.
  • Plant seeds or seedlings about 10-12 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 6-8 weeks
Seedling: 3-4 weeks



French/Climb Beans, including varieties like bush and pole beans, are easy to grow across all climate zones.

Growing Tips

  • Beans prefer well-drained soil and a sunny location.
  • Plant seeds about 3-4 inches apart for bush beans and 6-8 inches apart for pole beans.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 7-10 weeks
Seedling: 6-8 weeks



Beetroot is loved for its sweet, earthy flavour and nutritional content. Beetroot can be grown for both its root and leaves. Popular varieties include Detroit Dark Red and Golden Beet.

Growing Tips

  • Beetroot prefers cool to mild temperatures and fertile, well-drained soil.
  • Sow seeds about 2-3 inches apart with rows spaced 12 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 7-10 weeks
Seedling: 5-7 weeks

Bok Choy

Bok Choy

Bok Choy, a type of Chinese cabbage, is a fast-growing leafy vegetable with a mild flavour. Rich in vitamins, it is used in both salads and cooking.

Growing Tips

  • Bok Choy prefers cooler temperatures and partially shaded areas in warmer climates.
  • Space plants about 6-10 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 6-8 weeks
Seedling: 4-6 weeks

Broad Beans

Broad Beans

Broad beans are hardy and can be grown in cooler climates. These beans are high in protein and can be used in a variety of dishes.

Growing Tips

  • Broad beans require a sunny spot and well-drained soil and grow best in cooler temperatures.
  • Sow seeds about 6-8 inches apart, with rows 18-24 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 13-15 weeks
Seedling: 10-12 weeks



Broccoli is a cool season crop rich in vitamins. Popular varieties include Calabrese and Romanesco.

Growing Tips

  • Regular watering and fertilization are key to healthy growth.
  • Broccoli prefers well-drained, fertile soil and full sun.
  • Plant seeds or seedlings about 15-18 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 10-16 weeks
Seedling: 8-12 weeks

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a long-growing winter crop known for their distinctive small, green sprouts along a tall stalk.

Growing Tips

  • Brussels sprouts need cooler temperatures and well-drained, fertile soil.
  • Space plants about 18-24 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 26-30 weeks
Seedling: 20-24 weeks



Cabbage is a versatile leafy vegetable that thrives in cool climates. Common varieties include Green, Red, and Savoy cabbages.

Growing Tips

  • Cabbage prefers well-drained, fertile soil and consistent moisture.
  • Space plants about 12-24 inches apart, depending on the variety.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 10-18 weeks
Seedling: 6-15 weeks



Capsicums are warm season crops that come in various colours like green, red, yellow, and orange. They are high in vitamins A and C and are used in various dishes.

Growing Tips

  • Capsicums prefer well-drained, fertile soil and full sun.
  • Space plants about 18-24 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 14-18 weeks
Seedling: 10-12 weeks



Carrots are root vegetables best known for their vibrant orange colour, though other varieties come in purple, red, white, and yellow. Carrots are high in beta-carotene and fibre.

Growing Tips

  • Carrots prefer loose, sandy soil without stones.
  • Sow seeds about 2-3 inches apart with rows spaced 12 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 12-16 weeks
Seedling: Not commonly transplanted due to delicate roots



Cauliflower is a cool season crop that requires consistent soil moisture and nutrient-rich soil. It's known for its white head, though some varieties are purple, green, or orange.

Growing Tips

  • Be sure to protect the head from sunlight to prevent discoloration.
  • Space plants about 18-24 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 15-20 weeks
Seedling: 10-15 weeks



Celery is a moisture-loving plant that needs a long growing season and has a reputation for being challenging to grow due to its sensitivity to temperature and moisture.

Growing Tips

  • It prefers rich, well-drained soil and consistent watering.
  • Plant seedlings about 10-12 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 16-18 weeks
Seedling: 10-12 weeks



Chillies are warm season crops that come in various shapes, sizes, and heat levels. They are often added to dishes for extra flavour.

Growing Tips

  • Chillies prefer well-drained, fertile soil and plenty of sunshine.
  • Space plants about 14-16 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 14-18 weeks
Seedling: 10-12 weeks



Chives are a perennial herb known for their delicate onion flavour. They are often used as a garnish and are easy to grow.

Growing Tips

  • Chives prefer well-drained soil and can tolerate partial shade.
  • Plant seeds or clumps about 6 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 8-12 weeks
Seedling: 6-8 weeks



Coriander, also known as cilantro, is a fast-growing herb with a distinct flavour. It's commonly used in Asian, Latin, and Indian cuisines.

Growing Tips

  • Coriander prefers cooler temperatures and well-drained soil.
  • Sow seeds about 6-8 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 4-6 weeks
Seedling: 2-4 weeks



Corn, a staple in many diets, is known for its tall stalks and sweet kernels. Varieties include sweet corn and popcorn.

Growing Tips

  • Corn requires a sunny position and fertile, well-drained soil.
  • Plant seeds about 8-12 inches apart in rows, with rows about 30-36 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 11-14 weeks
Seedling: 9-11 weeks



Cucumbers are a popular warm-season crop, known for their refreshing taste. Cucumbers can be grown on the ground or trained up a trellis. Varieties include slicing and pickling types.

Growing Tips

  • Cucumbers need full sun and consistent watering.
  • Plant seeds about 18-36 inches apart in rows, with rows spaced 3-4 feet apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 8-10 weeks
Seedling: 6-8 weeks



Dill is an aromatic herb with feathery leaves and is commonly used in pickling. Dill can be grown in both warm and cool weather, and its flowers attract beneficial insects.

Growing Tips

  • Dill prefers full sun and well-drained soil.
  • Sow seeds about 18 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 8-12 weeks
Seedling: 6-8 weeks



Eggplant, also known as aubergine, thrives in warm weather and requires full sun and well-drained soil. Varieties range in size and colour from small and round to large and elongated.

Growing Tips

  • Plant seedlings about 18-24 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 12-16 weeks
Seedling: 10-12 weeks



Fennel is known for its distinctive aniseed flavour and can be used in salads, soups, and stews. Fennel can grow quite large, and both its bulb and foliage are edible.

Growing Tips

  • Fennel prefers full sun and fertile, well-drained soil.
  • Sow seeds or plant seedlings about 12 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 13-15 weeks
Seedling: 10-12 weeks



Garlic is a staple in many kitchens, valued for its strong flavour. It's best planted in the cooler months.

Growing Tips

  • Garlic prefers rich, well-drained soil and full sun.
  • Space cloves about 6 inches apart, with rows about 12 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 17-25 weeks
Seedling: Not commonly grown from seedlings.



Ginger is a tropical plant known for its spicy, aromatic root. Ginger is typically grown from rhizomes and can also be grown in containers.

Growing Tips

  • Ginger prefers warm, humid conditions, partial shade, and well-drained, rich soil.
  • Plant rhizomes about 12 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 32-36 weeks (for mature ginger)
Seedling: Not applicable, as it's grown from rhizomes.



Kale is a hardy, leafy green high in nutrients. It can be harvested as baby leaves for salads or allowed to mature for cooking. Varieties include Curly, Tuscan, and Red Russian.

Growing Tips

  • Kale prefers well-drained, fertile soil.
  • Sow seeds or plant seedlings about 12-15 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 5-7 weeks (for baby leaves), 10-14 weeks (for mature leaves)
Seedling: 4-6 weeks (for baby leaves), 8-12 weeks (for mature leaves)



Leeks are a mild-flavoured relative of onions and garlic, valued for their sweet, delicate taste. Blanched stems are achieved by gradually earthing up soil around them as they grow.

Growing Tips

  • Leeks prefer well-drained soil, rich in organic matter, and full sun to partial shade.
  • Space plants about 6 inches apart with rows spaced 12-16 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 22-30 weeks
Seedling: 16-20 weeks



Lettuce is a popular leafy vegetable, best grown in cooler weather. There are many varieties, including loose-leaf, romaine, and butterhead.

Growing Tips

  • Lettuce prefers well-drained, fertile soil and can tolerate partial shade.
  • Space plants about 6-12 inches apart, depending on the variety.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 6-8 weeks
Seedling: 4-6 weeks



Mint is a hardy, fast-growing herb known for its fragrant leaves. It's used in a variety of culinary and beverage applications.

Growing Tips

  • It prefers moist, well-drained soil and partial shade.
  • Space plants about 18-24 inches apart; better grown in containers to control spread.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 8-10 weeks
Seedling: 6-8 weeks



Onions are a staple in many kitchens, known for their pungent flavour. Planting times vary with different varieties: short-day, intermediate-day, and long-day onions.

Growing Tips

  • They grow best in well-drained, fertile soil and full sun.
  • Space plants or sets about 4-6 inches apart with rows spaced 12-15 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 24-30 weeks
Seedling: 20-24 weeks



Oregano is a hardy perennial herb with a strong aroma and flavour, widely used in Italian and Greek cuisines.

Growing Tips

  • Oregano prefers full sun and well-drained soil.
  • Plant seeds or small plants about 8-10 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 6-10 weeks
Seedling: 4-6 weeks



Parsley, a versatile herb, is used both for its flavourful leaves and as a garnish. Parsley comes in two main types: flat-leaf and curly-leaf.

Growing Tips

  • Parsley prefers full sun to partial shade and moist, well-drained soil.
  • Space plants about 6-8 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 9-11 weeks
Seedling: 7-9 weeks



Parsnips are root vegetables similar to carrots but with a sweeter flavour, especially after the first frost. Parsnips take a long time to germinate but are otherwise easy to grow.

Growing Tips

  • Parsnip prefers deep, stone-free soil and full sun.
  • Sow seeds about 2-3 inches apart with rows spaced 12-18 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 16-20 weeks
Seedling: Not commonly transplanted due to delicate roots.



Peas are a cool-season crop, including varieties like garden peas, snow peas, and snap peas. Peas need support for climbing, such as trellises.

Growing Tips

  • Peas prefer cooler temperatures and well-drained soil.
  • Sow seeds about 2-3 inches apart with rows spaced 18-24 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 9-11 weeks
Seedling: 7-9 weeks



Potatoes are a staple crop, grown from seed potatoes. Varieties include Russet, Yukon Gold, and Red Potatoes.

Growing Tips

  • Potatoes need well-drained, fertile soil and consistent moisture.
  • Plant them in a sunny spot.
  • Plant seed potatoes about 12 inches apart with rows spaced 2-3 feet apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 10-20 weeks, depending on the variety
Seedling: Not typically grown from seedlings.



Pumpkins are a warm-season crop, requiring plenty of space to grow. Varieties range from small ornamental types to large carving pumpkins and pie pumpkins.

Growing Tips

  • Pumpkins prefer full sun and rich, well-drained soil.
  • Plant seeds or seedlings about 3-4 feet apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 15-20 weeks
Seedling: 12-16 weeks



Radishes are one of the quickest growing crops, with a peppery flavour. Harvest when roots are about one inch in diameter for best flavour.

Growing Tips

  • Plant in well-drained soil with full sun to partial shade.
  • Sow seeds about 1 inch apart with rows spaced 6-8 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 3-5 weeks
Seedling: Not commonly grown from seedlings.



Rocket, or arugula, is a leafy green with a peppery flavour, popular in salads. Rocket is fast-growing and can be harvested as baby leaves or allowed to mature.

Growing Tips

  • Rocket prefers cooler weather but can grow in most climates, in well-drained soil.
  • Sow seeds about 1 inch apart with rows spaced 6-8 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 4-6 weeks
Seedling: 3-4 weeks



Rockmelon, also known as cantaloupe, is a warm-season fruit with a sweet, orange flesh. Rockmelons are vine plants and may benefit from trellising.

Growing Tips

  • Rockmelon requires full sun, rich, well-drained soil, and regular watering.
  • Plant seeds or seedlings about 3 feet apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 12-16 weeks
Seedling: 10-14 weeks



Rosemary is a fragrant, evergreen herb popular in cooking. Rosemary can be grown in the ground or in containers and is a great addition to any herb garden.

Growing Tips

  • Rosemary thrives in well-drained soil and full sun and is drought-tolerant once established.
  • Plant seeds or small plants about 2-3 feet apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 14-20 weeks
Seedling: 10-12 weeks



Sage is a perennial, aromatic herb with a strong flavour, commonly used in savoury dishes. Sage can be harvested as needed and is often used in stuffings and with meats.

Growing Tips

  • Sage thrives in well-drained soil and full sun and is drought-resistant once established.
  • Plant seeds or small plants about 18-24 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 10-15 weeks
Seedling: 8-10 weeks



Silverbeet, also known as Swiss chard, is a leafy green vegetable with colourful stems. The leaves can be harvested continually as needed.

Growing Tips

  • Silverbeet prefers well-drained, fertile soil.
  • Sow seeds or plant seedlings about 12 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 7-12 weeks
Seedling: 5-10 weeks

Spring Onions

Spring Onions

Spring onions, also known as scallions or green onions, are quick-growing and versatile. They have a milder flavour than regular onions and are often used as a garnish or in salads.

Growing Tips

  • They prefer rich, well-drained soil and full sun.
  • Sow seeds or plant seedlings about 1-2 inches apart with rows spaced 6-8 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 8-12 weeks
Seedling: 6-8 weeks



Strawberries are a popular fruit that are best planted in cooler months. They can be grown in the ground or in containers.

Growing Tips

  • Strawberries prefer full sun and well-drained, fertile soil.
  • Plant about 18 inches apart in rows spaced about 2 feet apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 20-30 weeks
Seedling: 10-20 weeks

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are warm-season root vegetables known for their sweet, starchy tubers. They are typically grown from slips and are used in various dishes, both warm and cold.

Growing Tips

  • Sweet potatoes prefer well-drained soil and plenty of sun.
  • Plant slips about 12-18 inches apart with rows spaced 3-4 feet apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 16-22 weeks
Seedling: 14-18 weeks



Thyme is a perennial herb with a pungent, earthy flavour, widely used in cooking. Thyme can be harvested as needed and is often used in soups, stews, and with roasted meats.

Growing Tips

  • Thyme thrives in well-drained soil and full sun and is drought tolerant.
  • Plant seeds or small plants about 9-12 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 8-12 weeks
Seedling: 6-8 weeks



Tomatoes are a popular warm-season crop, ranging from cherry to beefsteak varieties. They are often used in fresh salads or cooked down and used in pasta sauce, casseroles, and curries.

Growing Tips

  • Tomatoes need full sun, well-drained soil, and regular watering.
  • Plant seedlings about 18-36 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 8-17 weeks, depending on the variety
Seedling: 6-8 weeks



Watermelons require warm, long summers to produce their large, sweet fruits. Varieties range from small 'icebox' types to large 'picnic' watermelons.

Growing Tips

  • Watermelons need full sun, well-drained soil, and space to spread.
  • Plant seeds or seedlings about 3-5 feet apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 12-16 weeks
Seedling: 10-14 weeks



Zucchini, a type of summer squash, is known for its prolific production. They're versatile in cooking, from grilling to baking.

Growing Tips

  • Zucchini prefers well-drained, fertile soil and full sun.
  • Plant seeds or seedlings about 24 inches apart.

Time to Harvest

Seed: 6-8 weeks
Seedling: 4-6 weeks