Begin Your Home Growing Journey with Georgie

Growing your own food is easy with Backyard Farmer's Georgie Portable Raised Garden Bed. Follow these simple steps to kickstart your patch today.
Georgie is your complete home growing solution - perfect for backyard farming in compact spaces.
1. Know your potting mix
Different plants prefer different soil but generally, the better the potting mix, the better your plants will grow. In Australia look for the Premium Red Australian Standards Mark ticks, in New Zealand look for Premium labelled potting mixes. You will need 175L of potting mix to fill GEORGIE.
2. Perlite can help
GEORGIE will work without it, but perlite improves drainage and helps absorb water. At the bottom of the Self- Watering Planter, you can add perlite to the round holes, before laying your potting mix on top.
3. Adding nutrients
For the best results we recommend adding a few handfuls of complete organic fertiliser or pelletised chicken manure to the potting mix and mix it well through the top 20cm of soil. Now you’re ready to plant!
4. Decide what you're planting
Herbs, vegetables, berries and flowers can all be grown in GEORGIE. Check out our seasonal planting guides for inspiration or select your own plants using a Growing Guide for your climate. Layer sugar cane mulch around plants to help retain moisture.
5. Watering advice
While new plants are establishing their roots in GEORGIE – it’s best to water them from above for the first week or two. Once the plants have settled in, they’ll begin drawing water from the reservoir, so you won’t need to water them from above anymore - just keep the reservoir filled
with water as needed.
For more growing advice and tips and tricks, visit our Garden Advice blog.