Where to Position Your Bug Hotel

Building a bug hotel is a great way to invite helpful insects to your garden. But where should you put it to make sure it works best?
Let's talk about good spots for your bug hotel, keeping in mind what suits your space best.
Near Flowers
A bug hotel works best when near flowers. Bees, especially native ones like blue-banded and teddy bear bees are super pollinators. They thrive when they can easily get to flowers with nectar. By putting your bug hotel near blooming flowers, you make an ideal home for helpful insects.
Along Garden Edges
The edges of gardens, where different plants meet are prime real estate for bugs. Ladybugs, enjoy munching on aphids that gather on plant edges. If your bug hotel is near these edges, you're offering ladybugs a home. This helps naturally control pests in your garden.
In Some Shade
Many native insects like a mix of sunlight and shade. If your bug hotel sits in a spot with partial shade, it offers an ideal environment for lots of different bugs.
Close to Veggies and Herbs
Don't forget about your veggie and herb garden! Insects like hoverflies protect your garden from common pests like aphids and caterpillars. Put your bug hotel close to edible plants, to attract these helpful insects. They keep your garden healthy and free from pests.
Near Water
Water is super important for insects, especially in hot Aussie summers. Put your bug hotel near a water source, like a birdbath or a shallow dish with fresh water. This gives butterflies, bees, and beetles a way to hydrate.
A bug hotel offers a safe place for insects that help pollinate your plants. Use our tips above as a guide to find the right spot in your garden.