Indoor Farming: Tips & Tricks for a Flourishing Indoor Garden
Eager to grow your own food but don't have a garden or much space? Indoor farming is the way to go!
Let's talk about the enjoyment of growing fresh produce inside your home.
Growing microgreens, herbs, and leafy greens on your windowsill is doable if you know how. These greens have vibrant colour, a satisfying crunch, and enticing aromas. Even those dull herbs from the supermarket can become fantastic with some simple tips and tricks.
If you're thinking of growing your own food without a big backyard, don't worry – it's totally possible. Before you dive in, check out your space. Instead of thinking about limits, think about opportunities. Do you have a windowsill with lots of morning light? Maybe a desk that gets afternoon sun or shelves in a bright room? These are all growing spots.
Knowing how much light different plants need is key. Softer herbs and greens like coriander, mint, spinach, kale, and lettuce do well with lower light levels. But be careful if they're in a west-facing window with intense afternoon heat. On the other hand, plants like chillies and spring onions love these kind of conditions.
Temperature and location matter too. Plants don't like extreme heat or cold. Be careful with watering – too much can lead to rot. Finding the right balance is super important.
To start your indoor gardening journey, we recommend beginning with herbs and salad leaves like microgreens.
Happy growing!